
Chemical Engineering Journal 2016 – Modeling of adsorption kinetics

Published on : 14/10/2016

On the comparison of pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order rate laws in the modeling of adsorption kinetics, Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 300, 15 September 2016, Pages 254–263

by : Jean-Pierre Simonin

E-mail : jean-pierre.simonin@upmc.fr

In most works in the current literature about liquid/solid adsorption kinetics, the respective abilities of
pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order kinetics for describing the data are compared. In nearly all cases, it is concluded that the latter surpasses the former. The aim of this work is to point out that more caution should be exercised in this comparison. Indeed, it appears that the method generally used is flawed and that it unfairly favors pseudo-second order kinetics. A different method is proposed to analyze experimental results. It is employed here to reexamine experimental data taken from the literature.